contextual tools index

Contextual Tools


The common aim of the tools in this section is to foreground the multiple contexts important to early 20th century culture. By mapping out clusters of keyterms associated with different discourses and fields of knowledge, and by identifying key literary figures and events from the period, these tools will hopefully help you conduct more meaningful searches of the MJP database and navigate more readily its vast storehouse of information. The contextual tools will also point out how modernism intersects with the MJP archive, as the indexes move from a general set of modernist concerns (like key ideas, persons, and keyterms) to the specific appearance of those concerns in MJP texts.


Notable Authors and Texts in MJP Periodicals


Individual Author Pages


Modernist Topics and Keywords


Individual Topic Pages


Debates and Controversies


Periodicals in Literature


Serialized Novels in the MJP Archives